Can serial numbers be...

Can serial numbers be in a "complex" format? An example format would be [0-9][0-9][A-Z][A-Z][0-9][0-9], which has 2 alphas surrounded by numerics. The numerics increment, and when wraparound occurs, the alpha portion is bumped. For example, after 99AA99 would be 00AB01. Can Oracle Inventory manage this? I'm not getting that impression from what I see in the user guide.

Thanks in advance!

Simple answer Yes It can be!!

Simple answer
Yes It can be!!

Thanks for your reply! Can

Thanks for your reply! Can you be just a little more specific as to how this would be accomplished?

I dont think its

I dont think its possible
Oracle serial numbers are numeric only. You can have a prefix of any alphanumeric character but that part won’t change with the serial number seq.

 Thanks for taking the time

 Thanks for taking the time to reply. That was also my impression - we're still in the process of evaluating the applicability of Oracle Inventory to our needs, so I have to base my decision on what I see documented. Can you suggest any possible workaround (ideally through configuration) that would support this requirement?